sexta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2008

Today's Lesson

Today during class we played games on the new website ms. Dietrich found last lesson. Yesterday we did not have class because it was a class field trip. After we played games I started reading the tutorial, and then we and teresa came up with an idea for our photo story.

sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2008

Today's Lesson


Today during class we played a lot of games it was very fun. Then I started working on my Investigation, I am now finished. but I asked Ms. Dietrich to check my work for thrusday so during class I will edit it.

Today's Lesson


Today during class we played a new game and then we worked more on our investigation. I think it was a very productive class.

sexta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2008

Todays Lesson


Today I got to class and I played 15 minutes ok typing games. then I worked on how question 4 of my investigation. I watched a digital story and then commented on it.


quinta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2008

Today's Lesson


Today during class we played during 15 minutes of typing games, it was very fun and it made me remember of year 7. Then Ms. Dietrich told use to gather around and we talked about the fact that we can not start without our french teacher. So we will play around a bit with ADOBE PHOTOSHOP. During these two weeks we will also work on our investigation. Then later we will great our movie in french after more or less two weeks, that will be our big assesment of I.T. We will do our big project using Photo Story 3.
See You Next Time!!!!

sexta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2008

Todays Lesson

Today in I.T class I helped Mafalda with her investigation therefore I was slower but still i got to question three. It was very fun next lesson i will continue.

quinta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2008

Today's Lesson

Today is my first lesson in year 8. We did different things today. I will keep writting